The Plakat, or Plakad, is a short-tailed Betta, and is the most closely related to wild Betta splendens or traditional fighting Bettas. Plakats can often be mistaken for female Betta to the untrained eye, however, males will display elongated ventral fins, a rounded caudal fin and a sharply pointed anal fin.
The term Plakat is often abbreviated to "PK".
There are 3 sub-categories related to this tail type. There is the
traditional Plakat where the tail is rounded, sometimes with a point.
Now, due to selective breeding and crossing, there is also the Half Moon
Plakat (or "HMPK") where the tail has a 180 degree spread when flared
and the Crown Tail Plakat (or "CTPK") has the tail is either rounded or
with a 180 degree spread and with elongated rays giving it a "spiky"
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