Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Halfmoon Betta

    Betta fish are low maintenance, beautiful fish that can add personality and interest to your life or home. Often called Siamese fighting fish, Betta's are vibrant fish that can survive without the help of a filter or expensive aquarium filter, and they are the only fish that can do so well.
   Contrary to popular belief, goldfish do require filters to survive, although they can live shortened lives (by about 70%) in simple bowls. In my more naive days, I still believed the cartoons that portrayed happily swimming goldfish. It was a very Dr. Suess-esque dream that was shattered upon the rapid succession of goldfish terminations that I suffered. Calypso, Cinnibar and all the rest weighed heavily on my conscience until I discovered betta fish, more specifically, Halfmoon Betta Fish.

    Halfmoon betta fish are one of the rarest species of betta fish and weren't bred until the late 1980's. They are considered one of the prettiest species due to their often unusual coloring and 180 degree, fan-like tail. However, this can also make them somewhat expensive. I paid 13.99 for my halfmoon male betta, but it was worth it. He's a handsome fish and I've grown quite attached to him.
  Because of breeding efforts and the newness of the variety of bettas, they can be somewhat more susceptible to fish diseases, like ich. However, these diseases can be easily treated with medicines purchased at your local pet stores.

   Another unique attribute posessed by halfmoon's is their lack of aggression. Most betta's are known for their fighting flare and killer ways. Halfmoon Betta fish may still fight each other for a female, but they will be less likely to fight and less likely to kill or maim one another, which makes owning them a little less worrisome as you aren't as likely to lose your investment.

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